Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Spirit Day

There’s a bursting inside me sourced from the supernova of
Your eyes and I know I can’t push you away any longer you
Me to accept myself even though I have hushed it away for the past seventeen years
And by now I am bursting
I am bursting
I am bursting like the bubbles of truth that bubble and swell up inside of me
Swell with the lies and the truths and the secrets
Because I am only half of myself when I am not with you and that has to mean something
It has to mean something more than a
Girl crush girl friend I know that I love you
But we collide and we melt and we burst and we break
And we are at different stages different steps
Of our lives just trying blindly to put the pieces back together
That we lost when we were so small and I am trying to tell you
To tell you all I am trying
To find my voice to find my hands
To find the part of me that i lost somewhere along the way but I am saying it now
In this jumble of words that is spewing from my fingertips I am telling you now
I am telling you now
I am not inhumane I am not a freak I am not
I am not what goes bump under your bed I am the same
But I am different
I have imperfections that make me perfect but if loving a girl is an imperfection
Then I have lost all faith in humanity and I am glad
I am glad that I live in a community that makes me unafraid to say this
To get this out to set this free
I am thankful
That even though some of you might hate me for this the majority still love me
Like you
And you
And you
You have all helped me to push these words out on this day
On this Spirit Day when people come out of their figurative closets and into the sunlight
I tilt my face up to the rays
Because I am unafraid
I am whole now
I have found the parts of me that were lost in the night and
I found them in the stars of your eyes
I have spoken
And I hope you will speak

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