Tuesday, 10 December 2013


I sit here and I'm watching the sun set over Montmarte in the way that it does 
Shaking its head 
At the depicableness of those below 
The ones it has risen above again and again day after day and it continues this way 
Shaking its head as it slowly 
Bleeds into the buildings that are bonafide postcards ripped from the shaking hands 
Of beggars 
Postcards that coat the walls of us, 
The visitors
We are not permanent, none of as are, we are simply visitors 
And we pass through in and out in and out 
Through the doors to this place where dreams come to live and die with each 
Breath of the sunset 
We are beggars with postcards in our shaking hands pleading can someone show me where this place is because it sure isn't here. 
It is and it isn't because this is a funhouse mirror and what you see is never what you get 
I got lonely and I know that it's because there are lonely places deep inside of me 
And my mirror will always reflect lonely wherever I go 
And my lonely is framed by beauty but that doesn't decrease its gut wrenching singularity 
And none of this is permanent
We are scuffed 
Leather boots and cigarettes 
Burned down to fingertips and 
We are frozen hands and wine-stained lips and 
We are empty kisses and cold apartments. 
We are searching for that scene in that postcard that we will never find 
Because the directions they give us are all wrong 
Because they don't see it the way we do
The way you do, 
The way I do
We live in pockets, 
The hotels of the city nestled safely away 
In slate grey attics as the dusk descends upon us 
And we slip down creaking staircases 
We are buried
In the hidden parts and we pass through silently but you 
And your vastness and your leather and fur 
You and your champagne and 
Saint Laurent you are just as temporary as we are 
You just can't see it yet
And maybe 
When temporarity is staring you straight in the face, 
Maybe then you will see it but
I don't care because I see it now
I see the dying in us 
And I see the heartbreak and the lonely and 
I see joy in emptiness and peace in melancholy 
I see the way her eyes shine bright 
And youthful in an ancient way 
I see fire in the depleting tobacco 
Between your fingers
And maybe we're all just passing through
 But I would rather be a fleeting sunset 
Than an ever present winter moon

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